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10 October 2018 / Ranjana

Week 3- More peace, more time

Things are changing in myself. It is very subtle and fortunately I notice! It feels like the opposite of last week. That was just chaos. Running behind facts all the time, a big lack of time.. I struggled a lot. I realised this has been for a very long time my blueprint… and still I notice the almost addiction to promise too much, to serve others to much in stead of myself, to do too much work. I notice the addiction of working all the time.

And.. that is the very good thing.. I feel so much more peace inside of me and also more clariry. I guess this is the same 😉  A good example is: this morning I gave for the very first time a webinar I postponed for 2years. And now I just did it! I did not prepare, I was hardly nervous and the feedback was great! It seems this MKS is sinking in, in my old blueprint, “subby” as Mark uses to call it.

I really LOVE this MKS. The texts of the Greatest Salesman and the MKS are so beautiful to read every day. Actually I am looking forward to read! Actually, it seems by this reading that it adds time to my day in stead that it costs me time! I know… it sounds strange, but I experience it. It seems already I have far more time! I do not understand, but I feel it and I see it!

And I like my Marco Polo group with my guide Megan Kruger. She did this MKS last year and now she is guiding a group of 10 (and I am 1 of this team) who does MKS. Thank you Megan for your daily inspirational messages in the Marco Polo app.

The last thing I want to share is I also promised and DID something I promised myself to do about 3 years ago #oops. But now in this MKS I promised it and I did it! So.. things are moving… I am looking forward for more more more concentration, focus, relaxation. And yeah.. I love to meditate every day..  To SIT for 15 min every day after reading the MKS. That I also promised myself to do for a loooong time. And now I am doing it.

Lets call old blueprint “olly” and my new life “newie”!

Newie, here I am and here I come!

Ranjana 🙂


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  1. Raelene Sibley / Oct 11 2018 16:33

    I love this and am inspired. Thank you for sharing your journey. I’m looking forward to the day that I have more time. I know I’ll get there.

  2. Raelene Sibley / Oct 11 2018 16:34

    Reblogged this on Master Key Team With Rae.

  3. Amy Swift / Feb 2 2019 19:56

    Queen Ranjana! Awesome… olly and newie… you made me smile and laugh. Posting to Facebook for you. See you next week!

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